4 WEEK One on One Mentorship Program
2024- Open
COST: $1000
If you have a desire to be a worship leader or already on staff at a church looking for encouragement in this new year, this mentorship program is perfect for you. If you are a songwriter with a desire to strengthen your skills or a creative looking for insight and wisdom in how to progress in your calling, this mentorship program is perfect for you!
Rita has been encouraging and assisting leaders across the globe to function in their calling with freedom and belief for years. Her heart is to see those with creative expression find progression and definition to the desires of their heart. Rita will schedule your sessions working with your schedule and hers, finding the times that best work in both days and time zones. These are set as four one-hour meetings with Rita on Zoom.
Some of the the topics that have been discussed-
Beginning and Advanced Songwriting Techniques
Song Structure
Lyrics and Rhyming
Audio Production and Development
Church Staff Related Issues
Understanding Publishing and Royalties
Building A Song Writing Culture With Your Worship Team
Communication and Healthy Worship Team Dynamics
Progressing through Seasons of Hardships
Writing Songs For Your Congregation
Finding Your Burn Fueling Your Gift
Finding Your Unique Sound
and More! Fill out the form below to get started!
4 week personal growth mentorship with Rita.
Designed for beginner to intermediate worship leaders seeking to experience growth in songwriting development and pastoral discipleship.
Participants will engage in weekly, virtual one-on-one sessions with Rita digging into personal leadership growth
Accepting Applications for 2024
Rita will challenge you to grow personally, navigate the worship industry, and equip you to confidently lead as a worship leader.
* Option to add an additional 4-week mentorship at the completion of the 4- week mentorship.
(At this time we have no financial scholarships available)
Watch this video from Rita for more information…
A personal video introducing your self, most embarrassing moment as a worship leader, and why you want to be a part of this mentorship (no longer than 5 minutes - attach link to video in application form below)
Ready to begin? Complete and submit this form: