About Rita
Rita is one of the most gifted worship leaders to arise over the last fifteen years. She believes that the joy of being a worship leader is to make those listening, jealous for what has been found in Christ. Making Christ famous through the art, act and physical sound of our worship is Rita’s anthem and her deepest desire is to see this arise in the body of Christ. Her motto is; “To make the Lord famous in whatever I do with my worship and relationship with Him”. Born out of that deep desire and to see women free through the tools of the Word, Worship and Prayer, she started her own women’s conference in 2000 called ‘Fragrant Oil’ it was an incredible season of 7 years watching God use worship powerfully to transform lives across the globe.
In 2008 she began a worship school called DIVE. (Deep - Innovative - Vertical - Expression) The School trains and encourages upcoming worship leaders all over the world with weeklong intensive one-on-one courses. Staying true to her calling, Rita continues to write new songs and leads worship at churches, conferences and events around the country. Rita released her first book in 2013, Finding Eve.