New Album: Fed By Ravens
"Fed by Ravens" is a collection of desert songs. These are songs born from dry riverbeds, songs of finding little flour and no oil before a miraculous provision. This album stands as a testament that God's provision and power, faith, and trust are ever-present, no matter how scorching the wilderness may be. If God can command a raven to feed a man, how much more is it in His heart to save us?
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Sign Ups are now available for Rita’s Mentorship Sessions
Watch this video to learn more about Rita’s Mentorship Program. For more information and requirements, click here.
Hear from Rita weekly on her podcast.
The Rita Springer Podcast is your weekly invite to the kitchen table. Bring your coffee, questions, snack of choice, and pull up a chair… or simply keep driving! Join Rita and her hilarious stories, inspirational thoughts, candid wisdom, and brilliant friends from time to time… you’ll be sure to leave with a little more hope stitched back into your bones.
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Join Rita’s monthly Bible Study!
Ready to take the next step in your faith journey? Or simply join an online community of…
Now, you can join Rita virtually each month for her Bible study or connect with her by subscribing to her monthly blog!

Rita Springer and all that she does is made possible by people like you that share a vision to bring light to a dark world…
If you wish to partner with this vision,
click here to support Rita’s efforts financially.
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